

Are we happy Summer's over? Fuck, no! Are we gonna find a way to make the best of it anyway? Fuck, probably! 

When things get bad, we get bad right back; Fall is the B-side to Summer, and this year it's a rocker. So for the next 7 headbangin' weeks it's gonna be a pus-squirting preamble to Bennett Media's HEAVY METAL HALLOWEEN -- our raunchy response to our unfortunate Summertime Sadness. 

We have a few things planned, but we know better than to dig in too deep; it takes a lot less effort to summon a spirit than to raise a corpse. With that, we've tuned our weapons and are fully prepared to ride the lightning and blow books off shelves from 20 feet away. There'll be lists and movies and lists about movies; candy and music and boobs and booze (and booooos), but with more guitar shreds and ripped denim than our usual offerings. 

Pack up your pumpkin spice and crack open a Coors, because sacrifice is going on tonight. 

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