
5 Tattoos I Need

   The goal with covering my body with tattoos is to take them with me to the afterlife, and hopefully spend eternity reliving all of the beautiful and wonderful things that touched me when I was alive. And this is a good scientific goal in theory because for some inexplicable reason, ghosts seem to be able to take their clothes and old pianos with them. This shit is real. And I know that I want to forever remember my fond affections for both Hans Moleman and big lady asses. 

   They're addictive and I don't get a fix nearly enough. It's an unfair combination consisting of extreme popularity of our insanely talented tattoo artist, and general lack of funds. But the time spent between appointments allows for dwelling, list making, revisiting folders of ideas, and digging deep within my soul, to compile what I truly desire. And over the years there have been a select few that I have not yet acquired, but hold highest priority above all others. For either the aforementioned reasons, or the sad fact that I simply cannot find/draw/commission a satisfying image for my concept because it's too esoteric, these five IDEAS remain my holy grail of epidermis collage. 

- Babes

5. Candy Land Characters Collage

  There's nothing more sad in this world than an only child with no friends, and a closet full of board games. That is, unless you have an imagination. I turned each and every one of the colorful cards into its own character with backstory and directed a whole production revolving around the board. My first movie. And I want a print of it to show the world. 

4. Klopek

   Everyone loves their dog. And their dogs love them more. But Klopek is weird, just like his namesake. After a few days being with us, having been rescued from a woman that made him spend his life in a travel crate, I discovered that he wanted me to hold him like a baby and rub his belly. He had found home and was able to find peace. He was grateful and able to begin a new life. We both were. And we rested on each other for 13 years of snuggles and love that runs as deeply as with my own flesh and blood. He is my family, my loyal friend, and the eternal optimist that shines a bright beam of sunlight in my life. 

3. Zoltar

  I believe in magic. Whether this subject can all be explained with a rational scientific explanation or not, it exists. There have been writings about it all throughout human history. And every single person has their first experience with it whether be it fiction or reality. Mine was a great story. It has a machine with an animatronic head, that's eyes lights up, and grants a wish. And a boy wakes up as a man. Anything is possible, and I want to remember that forever.

2. Xenomorph

  Alien is scary. When you watch the movie when you're 16, your nerves are on edge due to the poignant mood and lighting. When you're 10, you feel the walls closing in around you, as Dallas navigates the tunnels, searching for death. It's the best movie, because it continues to surprise me, challenge, and frighten me, after all these years. But way back then, when that very little girl was sitting in the dark, watching the horror movie; the monster, the Alien, the Xenomorph, was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. And I still have nightmares to this day. And so, this one is a gamble. On the one hand, I could carry with me the love and sense of awe for this piece of art, and then it could go the other way, and I could spend my post-existence running from the embodiment of all that I fear. Needless to say, as much as I want and need this, I am hesitant. 

1. David Bowie

   I already have a David Bowie tattoo. I got it immediately after he died. It's a red heart, with a blue lightning bolt going through it, to signify that the heart is broken. It also commemorates his years of life on Earth. It's a memorial that I wear to mark the loss of my favorite artist of all. But now that some time has passed, and I have had some more time to evaluate the profoundly positive effects that his body of work has done for me, it is time for an intricately detailed permanent expression of those feelings. 

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