
Old Saint Nick

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
War is over, if you want it
And Christmas is the time to say I love you.

Pretty words written together
To piece together a feeling only felt
At this very unique and special time of year.

Cultures join consciousnesses together
Which humanity desperately desires
And achieves true peace within.

We shed our skin suits for merely a moment
And drift high above our plastic lives
To join our most important and ignored parts of ourselves.

Use your imagination to strip away all intangible walls 
Feel the souls of many others dancing out of their heads
Like sugar plums and angels giving generously and loving full.

And then, very cruelly, this penetrating feeling
Slips away into the night
Like a beloved pet going off to die alone.

The hole inside will remain for a full discontent year
And then the somber miracle repeats itself
Revealing our species' unenlightened misgivings.

Wake up, Mr. and Mrs.
Stay connected and be a part of the point
Breathe with bliss and happiness.

- J

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