

"However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."
- SK

Now then, Dimitri, it's become quite clear that we've exhausted nearly every avenue of a pop culture Christmas over the years - how much more can we really say about Hard Eight and Elf? I mean, probably a lot, but I'm sure you're as shagged and fagged and fashed as we when it comes to the same tired leg lamp and full shitter jokes. So there's a lesson to be imparted here: when you remove the religious elements of the holiday, to which traditions are you paying tribute, and what are the consequences if you were to deviate? Better put: which God are you praying to? 

We've been saved - born again into a celestial star child to commence an enlightened future for humankind (for the next few weeks anyway). So come with uncle and hear all proper as we celebrate Bennett Media's KUBRICK KRISMAS - a very merry month mostly dedicated to The Divine Creator, The Supreme Being, The Master. While the infidels and heretics spread Mariah memes and argue about Die Hard, we choose to be mired in sexual obsession and existential dread; the Jungian thing. We'll be watching the films, the documentaries, listening to the soundtracks, reading the books, and generating our thoughts and feelings (mostly feelings) here on the site for the following month. I'm sure we'll step into Christmas in traditional ways here and there, but the real holiday mirth will be celebrating our freedom of choice - because when a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. 

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