
Bennett Media's ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE 90s?

Do you like scary movies? If so, please take a moment to review our engagement survey regarding which ads you've seen on this site. 

We kid. You'd think after 3 months of eating, sleeping, and having sex with the year that was 1993, we'd run screaming into the woods of Burkittsville at the thought of spending even one more minute in the halls of the post-Cold War decade. But this isn't in spite of it, it's because of it: '93 was a noticeably feeble year for frights, so this season we're exploring the entire ten year period of mimics and relics, species and subspecies, candymen and ice cream men, as Bennett Media presents ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE 90s?. We've always been vocal about our love of this uneven era of all things Horror and so we're asking you to disregard what we did last summer and join us for a frightfully fresh journey back into the 1990s.

I feel like saying more but I don't wanna ruin the surprise. 

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