
Autumn Leave

Well here we are in this weird limbo again - not fully desensitized to the Heebie Jeebies, not pious enough to prematurely fall on our knees. So we'll dick around some in the meantime while we pull together our next holiday celebration series (which we've tailored to your current mood fer sure). 

During the interval there will be some snacks and refreshments, but we encourage you to visit all of our other outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

All video content (or what they allow us to show) is on YouTube and/or Vimeo.

Additionally we still have some lingering Tumblrs: TIME LIFE presents, It's Your Birthday!, and Return of Ganon.

Original art is always available for purchase at Yellow Lemon Collages.

There's also a new & improved Joker product! CHEESEBURGLAR - lo-fi picto-blog featuring hundreds of groove approved eye-poppers that you can use to decorate your locker, trade with your friends, listen to in your car, stick 'em up your ass, whatever.

As the moon sets, a fresh darkness is upon us of which we will make merry as though the midday sun warms us.

- p&j

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