

 Are there movies that you've seen an excessive amount of times, to the point that you know them by heart, but don't particularly care for? Due to some circumstantial repetitiveness (but still consciously and voluntarily) you've revisited these affairs that feel like casual acquaintances, but you have a relationship built on familiarity and trust. All their annoying quirks you now find endearing. You finish each other's sentences. You're happy to be stuck with them. Catalogue them -- write them down, make a list. You'll find that they define you as much as (or more than) the movies you feel strongly about, because you are now part of their context. 

Very pleased with all the guesses - even the wrong answers had a logical path. More than sound & movement & celebrities, this whole game is a test of cinematographic knowledge; you know what shit looks like and what it's called. Check out the last round's answers to see how you did... Can't say this batch is any easier, but we only push you because we expect the best.

Let's not make things worse by guessin'.





Dan The Movie Man said...

1. The Goonies
3. Looks like Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby, but unfortunately, I know it isn't
5. Philadelphia

1. The Nutty Professor Eddie Murphy version
3. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
4. Once Upon a Time in...Hollywood

Tony Kim said...

Ignoring ones I think Dan got...

3. Mean Streets
4. Raising Arizona

2. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead

1. Beverly Hills Cop II
2. Teen Wolf

Guess I need to brush up on forgotten blockbusters and comedies from the 80s, given that most of the shot in this game are from them.

BTW, I've always wondered how you guys decide on which films to use and which shots to select. How much thought is given to choosing each shot? Do you ever go back and forth on which image to show from a specific film?

P and J said...

we'll often spot something while watching it. or, in many cases, because they're from stuff we know, we'll pick the frames in our head and then go grab em

P and J said...

1. The Goonies
2. National Lampoon's Animal House
3. Mean Streets
4. Raising Arizona
5. Philadelphia

1. The Nutty Professor (1996)
2. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
3. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
5. E.T.

1. Beverly Hills Cop II
2. Teen Wolf
3. Body Double
4. The Birdcage
5. I'm Not There

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