Huzzah, now we got a real game goin'.
The last set was a legitimate group effort due to the fact that a lotta readers took advantage of the
first come, first serve setup we implemented years ago in an effort to encourage more participation. Honestly since we stopped handing out prizes y'alls got nothing to lose - except the gut-wrenching embarrassment of a wrong answer. What we do in life echoes through eternity.
3. birdman
5. gone with the wind
7. color of money
8. blue velvet
9. attack of the clones?
11. green mile?
14. naked gun
1. Inherent Vice
2. Bringing Out the Dead
3. Birdman
4. Fire in the Sky
5. Gone with the Wing
6. Miller's Crossing
7. The Color of Money
8. Blue Velvet
9. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
10. Closer
11. The Green Mile
12. Gangs of New York
13. Matilda
14. The Naked Gun
15. The Graduate
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