
The Monsters of MST3K

From The Count to Krueger, Horror's leading characters have been its black hats - the deformed evil-doers who must be defeated before our eyes to complete whatever arch they've set up for us. The truly popular ones appear in sequels and reach icon status, living on through Halloween costumes. Then there are the nameless masses that terrorize teens, military forces, and entire cities alike: nondescript creatures, poorly-realized concepts, dispassionate screen presence - these are what make up most of Horror and Science Fiction Cinema, and through the courtesy of a marooned janitor, an office temp, and the help of their robot friends, we came to know and even love some of these beasts and bogeymen that were left in the margins of movies. 

There were many - some were even too abstract to determine their function as fiends (I just don't see Torgo as a monster), but this is a list of the ones I feel could have graced the covers of Famous Monsters of Filmland or earned their own model kit. Underrated? I'd say no, but when you put 'em all together like this it's one helluva mash. Some could do magic, some limped around aimlessly, most were out for revenge. Your weapons are useless against them all.

- Paul

The Boggy Creek Creature
Boggy Creek II: And The Legend Continues

Bigfoot movies typically suck and it's usually because of the monkey suit. But this creature (and the little creature) is pretty effective, despite its resemblance to Cher. 

Trumpy's Mother
Pod People

There's nothing inviting about the dead, expressionless faces of these aliens, and the malevolent matriarch of this weak invasion dispenses her vengeance with an apathy that matches her lifeless eyes. 

The Hobgoblins

Their true evil is just a cautionary "be careful what you wish for" type-deal, but when provoked they're ready to throw down in some hand-to-hand puppet combat.

The Creeping Terror
The Creeping Terror

Rarely is a title character so aptly named - it is what it is I guess: some kinda hapless slow-moving blob with an indeterminate texture. Those're the most believable kinds of aliens. 

Dr. Leopold
Blood Waters of Dr. Z

Ok, so he doesn't exactly look like a catfish, but it's still a pretty drastic transformation into a unique and recognizable creature. Plus, the powers of a catfish!

Frank Douglas
Monster a Go-Go

Is it really Frank, or an alien in his place? I'm not here to figure out what the hell this movie's about - I'm just here for the giant Lurch-lookin' motherfucker that saunters around the woods in search of people to slowly assault.  

The Toy Monkey
Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders

This toy seemed to become synonymous with evil in the world of popular culture, and this sorta Grim Reaper variant is effectively simple (unlike certain other "creepy dolls"). 

Lucinda Strickland
The Touch of Satan

In terms of looks and ferocity, Grandma Dried Apple Head would easily be terrifying in a movie that's paced a little more efficiently.

Steve West
The Incredible Melting Man

I suppose he's already kind of a famous monster, but that doesn't excuse him from this best-of list - mostly because I wanna see a fully dedicated cosplay with full melting action. Not for myself, but I encourage others to embark.

Paul Carlson
Track of the Moon Beast

He basically already looks like the quality of masks being offered through Starlog around that time - sorta the perfect movie monster bridge between the 60s and the 80s. 

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