PB and J lived not too far off, tho they were very untogether. And then, thru a variable series of interests and internets, they seemed to meat. Whilst they both seemed to have some, they actively had none. That was, of course, until, they had All. They watched the same flower and bosoms. They licked the same foods. Some even said, thru the sum of all fears, that they lookaliked. They lived under the earth in severe bliss, sometimes visited by family, Girls, and The Dog who never left. The fat mailman changed their address, but the 3 stayed together. Loss of health sent them to Church, and even still and then, PB and J and The Dog stayed together and loved together. They lived rightly and never lied 'bout living wrongly. And it goes on.
- P
1 hour ago
Well alright then.
I miss you
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