It's that time of year again - time to sample the best and brightest junk food that retail outlets have to offer. Sure, I would say that's a year-round activity but Easter time always brings the booty in a prettier package, while also thriving in an ever-expanding diversity of options; Easter continues to be the most creative when it comes to experimental snacks. Whether good or gross it's never not fun and always puts me in the mind of Spring.
- Paul
Dunkin' Refreshers Jelly Beans
It was no surprise they sidestepped the donut theme, though I'm mildly shocked that they also ignored the more-obvious coffee motif. Instead they went with their secret third thing: fruity iced beverages. Personally my only relationship to this drive-thru chain is literally dunking donuts so I have no frame of reference regarding "Refreshers" -- I can tell you the jelly beans are fantastic though! After the standalone Lemonade flavor the rest are crossbreeds: Peach Passion Fruit, Strawberry Dragonfruit, and Raspberry Watermelon. So if you take two at a time you're liable to get 3-4 flavors at once; I haven't determined my favorite combination yet but I'm having fun experimenting.
Vanilla Kit Kat
Supposedly this came out last year but I've only just become aware of it -- packaging aside the concept feels kinda Springy and that's good enough for me. The reason it probably flew under my radar is because of its immediate visual similarity to the White Chocolate Kit Kats, but once you've tasted both of them... Honestly I can't tell the difference. To be fair I've not tried them side by side but either way I'm not mad - I like white chocolate, I like vanilla, just enjoy the ride.
Red Bull Spring Edition Grapefruit & Blossom
One thing I don't particularly like is energy drinks -- I don't like the taste, I don't like the energy. But I'm always jealous because there's such a variety of names and flavors and colors that it feels like a shame to not explore, but ultimately I can't handle the inevitable jitters. So it is this very rare occasion that I've chosen to sample the devil's jet fuel - in its sleek lilac can with the word SPRING branded across it I was practically rendered helpless. And even though 'sugar-free' was the store's only option I still went for it, but I think that's what messed it up; the hint of grapefruit is there, but "blossom"? What is even that? Honestly the absence of sugar created a sense that I was consuming freshly picked flowers -- and I guess you can't get more Springtime than that so whatever.
Reese's Spring Sprinkles
I've enjoyed the volume with which they've fucked with Reese's - pretzels, potato chips, chocolate sauce, other Reese's products, sure throw it all in there, I'll try it. This "Sprinkles" one is definitely one of their least impressive outings - under a blob of chocolate and chalky peanut butter the addition barely adds any flavor, just upsetting little surprises of cement pebbles that make it impossible to regulate your chewing rhythms. I'm sure the colors are pretty, but again, they're buried in the cup so who can say?
Peeps Rice Krispies Treats
Time for my annual tradition of buying a box of Peeps, trying one, and throwing the rest away. I suffer for my art. I'm also gonna go way out on a limb and say that one of the most identifiable (and appealing) parts of a Rice Krispie Treat is the mouthfeel. When I opened the package I immediately got the smell of the famous Kellogg's cereal squares (how'd they do that??) but the actual act of eating them is reminiscent of nothing other than some regular old Peeps. Granted they share the marshmallow component but without the label I would've never guessed that Rice Krispies were involved in this experience. I suppose I could keep the rest handy for the pleasing aroma.